Thomas Weber - Photography

german english spanish arabic sefardi

The classes will consist of 3 groups of max 3 students each. For every group a large format camera (4x5 inch) will be provided together with all the necessary equipment and material.

The classes will take place in my laboratory. If wished personal training can be provided at the location of the student. In that case the student is responsible for the equipment and the material.

The fees start with 30,- Euro per person. I am open for special wishes. For time and effort may differ I cannot present you a price list here. Please contact me by e-mail ( and I will be pleased to send you further information.

Workshop to make the first step towards Calotype technology (1 day)

Time 09:30 am 3:00 (4:00) pm

- Please bring along your own old cameras if they might be of use for Calotype (medium or large format).
- Calotype as the best startup to learn photography!
- 1839: the cradle of photography, Calotype and Daguerrotype are the first processes in the history of photography
- Explanation of my modernized process of Calotype
- A photo of the learners group with an 8x10 inch negative will help explaining the technique
- The members take photos with assistance, a max. of 3 students per large format camera (cameras are on hand)
- Laboratory: developing the nagatives and contact copies
- Presentation of the combination of this antique technique today´s options and the use of antique cameras

==>> The participants will take large format negatives and copies home and have learned the basics of Calotype.

Weekend Introduction Workshop (2 days)

Please read the subsection "Calotype" of my website in advance:

1st Day: 10:00 am- 5:00 pm (with lunch break)
- Please bring along your own old cameras if you have any old models which could be of interest
- Calotype and Dagueretopy, what makes the difference?- Simplified rules to judge the light (Zone System)
- Presentation of large format technology
- The origins: Camera Obscura, Pinhole camera
- Contactcopy versus enlargement
- Each student takes 2 negatives
- Labor: developmen of the negatives
- Optional: private cameras and their usage

2nd Day: 09:00 am - 4:00 pm (with lunch break)
- Laboratory: Contact copies of the negatives taken the day before
- Taking photos (max. 4 neg./student)
- Fotos of the group with a 8x10" camera
- Laboratory: Contact copies of the negatives
- Final discussion
- Optional: investigation of how to use ancient private cameras.

==>> The participants will take large format negatives and copies home and have learned to know the basics of Calotype and useful exposure rules.

Weekend Advanced Workshop (2 days)

Please read the subsection "Calotype" with chapter "Zone System" of my website in advace:

1st Day: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm (with lunch break)
- The movements of a large format camera
- The limits and options of enlargements of calotypes: contrast and grain
- The Zonen System as an option for exact light metering
- The rules for direct application of the Zone System: the personal grey card
- Handout of standardized types of portrait exposure. - Exercises of portrait with different exposure values for a better understanding of the Zone System.
- The effect of small format and its consequences of design
- The design and its planning
- Presentation of processing baryt papers

2nd Day: 09:00 am - 4:00 pm (with lunch break)
- Different techniques of different types of light meters: direct and indirect measuring
- Usage of camera built-in light meters
- The ASA-Rule: light metering without a light meter
- Zone System: Portrait as a training to use a grey value scale
- Zonen System: Contact print, SPT (Standard Printing Time)

© Thomas Weber 2010 - 2025