Thomas Weber - Photography

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If you need more detailed informations, feel free to send me an e-mail, please use "Contact" form.

General Informations to Film-Speed and Development
The Film Speed for Black & White is correlating with the density of the layer. The more dense it is the lower will be the useful speed accordingly to the Zone System of Ansel Adams. The original DIN standard is now incorporated in ISO 5800. The speed was originally defined as log 0,1 (= 1 DIN) above fog of the layer. In general the results only fit with low speed films if you focus on the standard of the Zone System of Ansel Adams.
To measure out the film speed following the used chemistry together with the applied technique I personally advice to use the Zone System of Ansel Adams.

Developing recipes, Developer Ultrafin liquid
Entwickler: Tetenal Ultrafin liquid
(ADOX = formerly: efke)
The standard tank movement should be every 30 Sekunden for 3 times.

Rollfilm 120/220

Ilford Pan F 50 ADOX 50 ADOX 100
22 DIN 125 ASA 22 DIN 125 ASA 22 DIN 125 ASA
U 6 / 3 N + 1 N + 1
U 5 / 4 N N
U 5 / 7 N - 1 N - 1

Ultrafin Solution 1:50 / 1:20
For small frame films, please reduce the speed by 1 DIN (1/3 f-stop).

Example: Ultrafin liquid U 5 / 4
Developer: Tetenal Ultrafin liquid,
(ADOX = formerly named: efke)
The temperature for all prozesses are 20 +/- 0,5 grade Celsius. The standard tank movement should be every 30 Sekunden for 3 times.

Time Chemistry Action
Watering ca. 10 min. Water Move tank & empty tank
1. Development 5 min. Ultrafin 1:50 Move tank & empty tank
Watering 30 sec. Water Move tank permanentely,
empty tank
2. Development 4 min. Ultrafin 1:20 Move tank & empty tank
Watering 30 sec. Watering Move tank permanentely,
empty tank
Stop bath 4 min. Vinegar 5% Move tank & empty tank
Fixing bath 10 min. Fixing bath Move tank permanentely for
30 seconds & empty tank.

Film for small frames due to higher density of layer, please reduce the speed by 1 DIN (1/3 f-stop).

As stop bath you can use vinegar or vinegar essence diluted with water down to 5%, it is convenient.

© Thomas Weber 2010 - 2025